Highschool Hook-ups (Gameloft) Game tips:

Nope, this is not a walkthrough because this game is really easy to play.
However, I understand that there are some tough goals here that needed a bit of a guidance to finish. So let us focus with the "Achievements".

Important reminders!
  • Some rooms cannot be opened until you achieve a higher level.
  • The Main building is the one labeled as "classroom" .

To do quick level upgrades, you should increase your reputation points by:
  • Choosing the best response in a conversation
  • Doing  your  mission
  • Finishing your achievements

Check your reputation status at the upper part of the screen, as illustrated here: 


Ok, so let's start with the tips:


1. Lightspeed
  • Find Max beside the auditorium and beat him in a race.
  • When you're done, you'll receive an Icarus shoes. Wear this, for speedy movement.

2. Total Bookworm -You can do this task when you've reached the "V.I.P. list" chapter. 
  • Go to the library and check the shelves. Remember all information you get (or better yet, write it down).
  • Then proceed to the Main building and take the history exam at the ground floor.

3. Top Geek
  • Find Andrew at the canteen. Play the Arcade and try to get 4,000 points. 
  • This one's easy. Just stay in your position and attack continuously. (and I super hate this part coz' you have to keep on clicking like forever!)
  • At the final part, you'll meet the boss. Make sure to catch the girl to instantly get 4,000 points. (Then you can suicide after if you want).
  • But if you fail to catch the girl, no problem, just kill the boss. (and do another marathon click!)

4. The Collector
  • Find Carter's or Kaileen's diary pages. (See part II)
  • You'll receive an electroshock weapon after. (Use to others for a great shocking experience!)

5. Highschool MVP
  • Find Pat at the gym. Accept the basketball challenge and try to get more than 30 points in 15 shots.
  • You'll see an aim indicator at the lower part of the screen. Shoot when the pointer is on green.

6. Most Popular in School
  • Get all the character profiles. No effort needed. You'll meet them eventually, anyway.
7. Metaphysics
  • Its entrance is at  the hedge beside the library.
8.Toilet Dimension
  • Go to the Main building. Enter the first CR. Go to the middle cubicle. There's the entrance!
9. Punk's Domain
  • Found outside the school area across the auditorium.
  • Normally, you're not allowed to wander outside the school gate. So you have to wait for your chance in several occasions like "Halloween", "V.I.P. list" chapter etc.
10. Mr. McSnowface - You can only find Mr. McSnowface during winter (duh!). So better finish this task before the season ends.
  • Get the hat on the bench in front of the gym.
  • Enter the path between the gym and the main building.
  • Give the hat to Mr. McSnowface- the snowman.
11. Valentines Fail - Do this task before Valentine's ends.
  • Remove all of the Hearts Decorations. There's three in every building.
  • When you're done, return to Roman or Emma in front of the Main building.   
 The "V.I.P. list" chapter: It's the day when you asked your dad to get you off the car before the school gate.
Now, there are two things you should do!
  1. Choose Chloe/Ethan, when asked whom to meet first.  She/He'll lead  you to a labyrinth.
  2. Talk to Sid or Sheena. She/He will remind you to find the tarantula.
12. Kirkegaard's Path of Pain- Don't exit until you've found diary page 3!
  • Just follow Chloe/Ethan and find your way in the labyrinth.
13. Hairy Legs
  • Find the tarantula in the Main building's laboratory (upper floor).
  • Then return to Sheena.
14. Highschool Hero- Better do this task when you've reached the "Peer Pressure" chapter.
  •  Save 4 people trapped in the lockers.
  • You'll find 3 in the main building and 1 in the auditorium.
 15. Checkmate- You can do this task when you've reached the "Peer Pressure" chapter.
  • Enter the auditorium's room 02
  • Do the 6 queens and 8 queens task. (click the links for the solution) 
 16. Jack's Backyard- Do this task in the (House) "Par-tay!" chapter.
  • It's located next to Ben/Lena's house.
  • Either you enter the hedge entrance at the pool area, or go outside the gate and proceed to the next house.
17. Dirtbag Award- Do this task when you've reached the "Revenge Strikes" chapter.
  • Go to the upper floor of the Main building. 
  • Enter the area next to room 03 then go upstairs.
  • You'll find Sid/Sheena at the rooftop. Do your best to hit at least 10 people with water balloons.
18. Robot Party- Do this task when you've reached level 14.
  • Enter the secret room of the library. (Behind the blank shelf)
  • There you'll meet the dancing robots and receive your own robot costume. Wear it anytime you like. (In case you're bored of your human self)
19. Ghost Stories- Do this task in "Starry Night" chapter. (the prom night)

  • After Ben/Lena asked you to follow, go to the Main building's room 03.
  • There you'll meet the ghost of your old self.  
20.Highschool Master 
  • Just reach level 18


      1. Behind the Gym
      2. Gym's room 02
      3. Labyrinth
      4. Toilet Dimension
      5. Main Building's principal office
      6. In the small room between the Laboratory and History exam classroom.
      7. Robot room
      8. Cafeteria's room 02
      9. Behind Main building
      10. Metaphysics area
      11. Library bookshelves
      12. Gym stairs
      13. Cafeteria rooftop
      14. Auditorium stage
      15. Auditorium's alternate route

      I guess we're done. Happy gaming! :D

      Want to ask questions or give additional tips? Feel free to share it in the comments page. :)